Site Index

Alphabetical List of Searchable Terms by Chapters

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  1,2,3


A.E. Hundley and Sons     64

A&M Alumni Association     80

Adcock, J. Curtis     40

Adolphus Hotel, Dallas     76, 80

Advocate, Danville     17, 18, 23, 25, 28, 30, 38, 40, 46, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 86, 94, 115, 122, 126

Aggie Houston banquet     82

Ahrens-Fox firetruck     113

Aimes, W.L.     56

Alabama Tide     19232844475051525697103125127128

Albany Hotel     17, 40, 67, 92, 123

Alcott, Eddie     68

Alexander, William     24, 128

All Saints Church     78

All-American team     Intro, 11, 18, 30, 52, 63, 64, 67, 91

All-Franklin Field team     118

All-Star charity game     61

Alumni Gymnasium, Kentucky     125

Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles     68

Anderson Memorial Bridge     18, 19, 45, 95

Anderson, Carl "Swede"     45, 67, 131, 132

Anderson, Swede     41, 67

Andrews, Francis W.     115

Anheuser-Busch Brewery     76

Anheuser, Eberhard     76

Arlin, Harold     88

Arlington Hotel     13, 18, 58

Armstrong, Norris "Army"     2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 64, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75, 78, 79, 82, 84, 93, 96, 97, 104, 105, 106, 121, 122, 124, 131, 132, 133

Armstrong, Porter Hudson    41, 121

Ashland Kiwanis Club     106

Ashley's Camp     55

Associated Press     54, 84, 131

Atkin Hotel     126

Atlanta     13, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34, 102, 104, 109, 112, 116, 118, 119, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135

Atlanta "Constitution"     24, 109

Atlanta "Georgian"     24, 116, 118, 119, 128

Atlanta "Journal"     13, 24, 28, 30, 118, 128

Auburn Tigers     Intro, 14, 24, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 58, 59, 60, 84, 85, 92, 100, 102, 104, 105, 109, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 127, 128, 129, 134

Auburn Athletic Association     102

Avenstone, Kentucky     122


 "Baby" Pearce     58

Back Bay     194243679293

Back Bay Station     4292

Bailey, Russ     61

Balboa Stadium     63717273

Banks, M.B.     125126

Barlow, R.C.     56

Bartlett, Tom     13, 14, 21, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 43, 48, 50, 51, 56, 58, 60, 64, 67, 73, 84, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 98, 100, 105, 106, 109, 117, 132, 133

Bass Point     45

Bate School     53

Battery Park     123

Bayard Wharton     39

Beacon Street     19

"BEAT HARVARD!”     1216171928304041425051546090

Beaumont Inn     53114

Becker, Lucien     17

Believe, Achieve, Succeed     216194753122128132133

Belknap, W.P. Jr.     18

Bell, Matty     2610131484122132

Bell, Tyree     80

Bellevue-Stratford Hotel     113

Belmont Springs Country Club     46

Bennett, Joe     118

Beta Theta Pi     52

Betz, Charles     100

Bezdek, Hugh     39

Bible, Dana     75

Bickel, Paul     106

"Big Four"     172542123

Bingham, Robert W.     59

Birmingham     Intro142434586063737476849293102103104105111115116117121124127128129131134135

Birmingham "News"     245892102115116127128

Birmingham Country Club     58116127

Blacksburg     28375986131

Blanchford Construction Company     107

Bland and Stagg              106

Blevins, Ashley     2530

"Blood" Miller            115

Bloom, Henry     114

Bloomington, Indiana     5

Blue Goose Club     104

"Bluegrass Stakes"     6471

Bo     see... McMillin, Alvin Nugent "Bo"

Bo McMillin, graduate     84

Bo's wedding day     78

Bond, Jim     8485868799102

Boozer Pitts     116

Boston "Advertiser"     1650

Boston "Evening Transcript"     40434446

Boston "Herald"     1316171824283040414243464750525456587690949798105106117

Boston Arena     93

Boston College     12194789

Boston Common     18194347131

Boston Post     15

Boston Southern Clubs     93

Boston University     193547

Boswell, Bill     214

Bovard Field     68


Bowman Field     100

Bowman, A.H.     100

Boyle County     111161719415398102103106109114123133

Boyle County courthouse     164198133

Boyle-Humphrey Gymnasium     1271430374184104114127128132

Boyle, John     1

Bradley, Weldon     4165

Breck Hall     26405287127128

Breckinridge, Robert J.     1

"Briar Jumpers"     2791153

"broadcast" the game     162441889497

Brooklyn Bridge     123

Brown Hotel in Louisville     121

Brown, Charles     127

Brown, Friske     444950

Brown, Johnny Mack     127

Brown, Mack     127

Bruce-Martin and Company     24

Bryan, Texas     78

"Buck" Flowers     24114

Bucknell     Intro2883120121122130131

Buell, Charles     3639495051869195105

Buffalo and Niagara Falls Railroad     53

Buffalo and Niagara Railroad     2253

"bulldog" edition     Intro114

"Bunny" Acton     14

Burton, Robert E.     115

Busch, Adolphus     76

Bush, Alex     122125127128131132

Buss, Coach Edbert     9

Busy Bee Restaurant     57

Butte, Montana     5996


C-6 H-O     52565984133

Cambridge     Intro1213151618193031343536373839404142434445464750525362677378808486878997100106129131134

Cameron, Edmund     117

Camnitz, Howard     57

Camnitz, Samuel Howard     57

Camp Zachary Taylor     2134

Camp, Walter     Intro27811131618293061646791105109118120128129132

Campbell, Tommy     35

Cap Murrah     79

Captain Armstrong     384247505364

Captain Kane     4052

Captain Randolph     7174

Carens, George C.     46

Carlisle     2111650576190113116

Carnegie, Andrew     1

Carrot Top     76

Carson-Newman     8485101102105107109110111112115121122126134

Carter, Hickman     107109

Casey, Eddie     1261

Castle Clinton     123

Cecil, Charles     84104105109

Centenary College     6381105109120122130

Centre "5"     40

Centre "Six"     648493

Centre Board of Trustees     59108132

Centre College "Cento"     22562119122123128

Centre College Carnival of 1923     3384107121

Centre College Football Record 1917-1924     134

Centre Enrollment Fall 1921     35

Centre freshmen in 1921     35

Centre-Notre Dame     121

Centre-St. Xavier     3438

Centre's enrollment     131

Centre's jerseys     109

Chandler,  A.B. "Happy"     15

Chandler, Happy     122

Chapel Hill     104

Chapin, Vinton     394448505191

Charleston ( W. Va. ) "Daily Mail"     54

Charleston C&O station     123

Charleston, West Virginia     Intro514113117123

Cheek Field     7131415293536373839415664859399100104106108114115128

Cherokee Parkway     1359

Chicago "Herald-Examiner     57

Chief Myers     23456789101213151618192931374145475253565984107121122123124127128131132135

Chief's additional motivational     122

Chinn, George     Intro1416171820212224303641606467109110115116117118119125132133

Chisca Hotel     115

Christmas Bowl, San Diago      84

Churchill, Winnie     2539445196106

Churchill, Winthrop Hallowell     35

Cincinnati     471517222527343841425355585960617387899098100104106108109110113114116118123125126129134

Cincinnati "Times-Star"    38,  59

Cincinnati-New Orleans “Limited”     60

Clark, Esky     97

Class, Ray     3538414248536465133

Clay, R.A.     116

Claypool Hotel     25

Clemson     Intro3436373842588485102104105109110111115116118129134

Cliff Dwellers' Club House     104

Coach Kendrick     108120

Coach McKale     73

Coach Ofstie     122125126128

Cobb, Ty     116

Coburn, Phil     97

Coburn, Philip     4950

Coffroth, James Wood     71

Coleman, W.A.     104

College Station     2637075778072

McMillin, Kentucky Colonel Bo     30

Colonial movie theater     25

Colonial Theatre     43131

Columbia University     30

Columbia, South Carolina     104

Columbus ( Ohio ) "Dispatch"     6

Columbus, Ga.     58

Columbus, Ohio     41426164105114123

Colvin, George     53

Combs, Les     416584117133

Combs, Leslie II     4184

Cominsky, Charles     57

Conklin, Roscoe Breckinridge     8384142495051525359649598100113123131

Connecticut Hall at Yale     118

Consolidated Press     128

Continental Divide     67

Converse, Jack     21253031

Cooper Litton     115

Cooper, John Sherman     7

Coronado Country Club     69

Coronado Island     69

Cousin Ella     136787102107

Covington, Herb     353637384144505152565960646573767983848586939596979899100104105106109110111112113114115116117118120121, 122123124125126127128129131132133 

Covington, Lucy     424450515253

Covington, Mrs. Gus     50

Credendo Vides     212

Cregor, Ben "Baldy"     6142526283034353941434448495159788485939799100104105106107108109113114117121122124132133

Crisp, Henry     28

Crocker, John     20

Crosley Field     87

Crowell, W.J.     47

Crowley, W. R.     95

Cubbage, Ben     3786

Cumberland Hotel    132

Cunningham, Bill     9092

Cunningham, Ed     4352

Cuyamaca Club          69


D.X. Bible     Intro717782

Dallas A&M alumni club     80

Dallas Fair Stadium     7577

Dallas Fairgrounds Stadium     76

Dallas Oriental Hotel     80

Dallas Union Terminal     767880

Danforth, Ed     13109118119128

Danville Chamber of Commerce     235364104118

Danville City Barber Shop     35

Danville Pioneer Playhouse     133

Danville Women's Club     100

David vs. Goliath     63

Davis, Allen     56791013

Davis, Herb     3858

de Gribble, LaRue     100

Decker, Quinn     131

DeHart, Coach Jimmie     101

del Coronado Hotel     69

del Coronado Polo Field     69

Delta Tau Delta     25

DeMille, Cecil B.     68

Dempsey, Jack     39687493120

Denver     405466677481104125

Denver "Post"     405467

Denver Athletic Club     6667

DePauw     Intro2789101324252831596099104117121134

Dewey, Buster     85

Dexheimer, Paul     17

Diddle, Ed     2122128132

Diez, Dr. Max     122

Dixie Classic     787982

Dixie Classic headlines     80

Dodd, Bobby     24

Dole, Frank     113

Dolly Sisters, "Oh, Look!"     40

Donahue, Mike     58116

Doneghy, Dudley     121123132

Dr. Montgomery     114119120122131

Drake Relays     84

Duffy, Arthur     4446

Dunbar, Bob     4243

Dundon, Bob     40

Dundon, Robert E.     106


Eads, John     4284

Eclipse Park     2859117

Edelen, Owen   121

Edelen, Anne   121

Edgren, Robert     73

El Paso     6670757681104

El Paso "Annual Rodeo”     76

El Paso College of Minerals and Metallurgy     76

El Paso Kentucky contingent     76

El Paso Union Depot     76

Ernest, Senator Richard P.     107

Ernst, Richard, United States Senator     47

Evans, Bob     6773

Evans, J.A.     115

Everett, John D.     122


Fairmont ( WVa ) "Times"     8

Famous Players-Lasky Studio     68

Farmer, Fred E.     67

Farrell, Henry L.     106

Faulconer, Thomas N.     71

Faxon, H.H.     20

Federal Railroad Board     40

Felton, W.B.     15

Fendley, James Maurice    131

Fenway Park     4143

Field, Richard     505155

Fields, W.C.     43

Fincher, Bill     2430

firetruck's priming ball     133

First National Bank of Elizabethtown     107

First Presbyterian     1327525371117122128

First Presbyterian Church     13275371122

First Presbyterian Church on Date Street     71

Fisher, Robert     18303950

Fisher, Thornton     54

Fisher, Thorton     20

Fitts, J.P.     102

Fitts, Roscoe     95

Fitzgerald, J.V.     7

Fitzsimmons, Floyd     57

Ford, Clayton     142030

Ford, Clayton "Pap"     173034

Fort Worth     Intro2781314151924262829313334354147485153545659616364667476788184104115118122129132133

Fort Worth "Star-Telegram"     23154

Fox, Fontaine     2

Franklin Field     113118

Fritts, W.B.     71

Frye, Andy     135


Gage, John Oschner, M.D.   121

Gaier, Tony     Intro25133

Gaiver, Bill     24

Galveston "Daily Herald"     54

Ganfield, Dr. William A.     2

Gans, Ed     125

Gaston, John     20

Gatwick, Mitchell     5051

Gehrke, Edwin     4449509195

Geneva College     130

Geo. Carey, Capt.     125

Georgetown     23571012131517242528293132343941475657608499100103104114119125126129131134

Georgetown, DC     5

Georgia Tech     Intro11132425283031343536374256585964798283909599102103105109112113116118127128129131134

Gibson, Dick     4149506465848586132

Gilcher Hotel     7101730333436374046104108110114122128

Gill, E. King     79

Gold and White     56710121314151617181920212225272829313237414246474950525355565859676873757678795185959698101104105110113114115118123124127128132

Gold and White’s banner     56

 gold footballs     8082125131

Gold medal won by Howard Robertson     84

Goldberg, Rube     106

Goldsmith, Oliver     58

Goldsmith, Wallace     53

Gonzaga     101105123

Good Samaritan Hospital     110

Goodloe, Ward     87

Gordy, Minos     3536414348505160646571848586879397100105109110111113114118119120, 121,  122124125126127128129131132133

Governor Edwin P. Morrow     3050

Governor James M. Cox     15

Governor Morrow     919305357618794104

Grace Lutheran Sanatorium     132

Grand Central Terminal in New York     42123

Grande Park     76

Grant Field     24118

Grantland Rice     1820223041465094105123

Graver, Larry     43

Great Lakes Naval Base     2

Great Lakes Naval Training Station     247

Great Salt Lake     6781

Great War     Intro51135394152697879106114115129131

Green, Jimmy     8485114117118

Greencastle, Indiana     2925

Greenough, M.W.     9697

Greenville     2485

Gregg, Turner     100

Grew, Henry     50

Gridiron Dinner     82

Grizzard, Lewis     118

Guyon, Joe     116


Hamer, Ernest     113

Hamilton, A.D.     2091

Harding, Warren     1588

Harland, Senator J.W.     53

Harris County Ex-Students Association     82

Harrodsburg, Kentucky     415360116

Hart, Dr. M.A.     98

Hartley, Joe     97

Hartley, Joseph     51

Harvard     Intro, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134

Harvard "Crimson”     3094

Harvard "System"     11174041424350648790107114

Harvard 1921 game travel squad     41

Harvard 1922 "season ticket"     87

Harvard Athletic Association     2240464792

Harvard Club     224046131

Harvard Crimson     12163247548494

Harvard Glee Club     40

Harvard Hall     2245

Harvard Players In 1922 Centre Game     97

Harvard Stadium     Intro5101213161819202225283840434445464851525387888990939798100105106130131

Harvard Union     184793

Harvard Yard     1845

Harvard-Georgia     38

Harvard-Indiana     37

Harvard, John     1640454753

Harvey, Morris     1314152434134

Hasty Pudding Club     47

Haughton, Percy     2229395091

Hays, Crep     5884

Hays, George Cresup     92

Hearst, William Randolph     57

Hebert, F. Edward     60

Heinemann Park     60

Heisman, John     24

Henry, Don     114

Henson     737104114

Herb Covington, All-Southern     118

Herb Covington's dropkick record     99

Herrington Lake     55

Hewlett, James     59

Higginson, Henry Lee     18

High Bridge Station     17

High Inman Grant     24

Hilker, Carl     118126131132

Hollis Hall     45

Holworthy Hall     45

Holy Cross     1316193335363787105130

Holy Trinity College     77

Homecoming, November 5, 1921     56

Hoosiers     341037

Hopkinsville, Kentucky     84

Horse Cave     283463103105107110

Horse Cave, Kentucky     34

Horween, Arnold     192021223051

Hotel Atkin     126

Hotel Georgian     118

Howard     1463

Howard College     1463

Howard Reynold's assistant!     90

Howell, Hollis     128

Hubbard, Charles     445091105

Hubbard, Clark     48

Hubbard, Wynant     20

Hudgins, Hope     3541658485939597100101104105109110112114115116117118132

Hudson, Porter     41, 121

Hudson, W. Banks   121

Hugh King     113

Hughes, Robert E.     69

Humphrey, Alexander P.     184128132

Hunt, Joe     54

Hunt, Myron     68

Hunter, John     848586

Hutchins , John     110

Hutson, Porter    41, 121


Illinois Central     950

Indiana University     3

Indianapolis     132425285660104129134

Inman, Briscoe     131

Institute of 1770     4791

insure against rain     72

Iowa City "Press-Citizen"     99

Ivy League     Intro2130


Jackson, Reggie     24

James, Bill     24613142022252628303134363941434447484950515356585961646776787984122124132133

James, Helen     445052

Janin, Covington     4450

Jefferson Hotel     119

Jewett, Charles W.     56

Jewett, Mayor Charles R.     25

John Marshall High School     86

Johns Hopkins     119

Johnson, Diane     10

Johnson, Jewett     39444950

Johnson, Roger     114

Jones, George "Buck"     3536374148518485939697109113133

Joplin, George     6739404142445253636467698098113127

Judge Arthur Peter     59

Judge E.V. Puryear     6482

Judge J. Needles     104

Junction City     67115

Juneau, William     56


Kagin, Bill     125126

Kane, Keith     373941444751

Kansas State     131

KDKA     88

Keeneland Race Track     64

Keewatin Academy     102

Kelley, Choctaw     90

Kendrick, Jim     99102109113115121

Kentucky     12172735384052567386110113114125126128131

Kentucky College for Women     1598

Kentucky Colonel     3031333941465052617378

Kentucky Military Institute     2121

Kentucky Wesleyan     3, 32, 56, 118131134

Kentucky Wildcats' Marching Band     114125127

Kentucky's "Mighty Team of 1894"     125

Kentucky's new stadium     125

Kernan, Frances     50

Kimball House Hotel     24

Kimbel, Dewey     4184104105109

King, Gus     132131647678

King, H.C.     13

Kirkpatrick, Martin     128

Kittens     131

Klanwans, J.R.     67

Knoxville     85121124125126129131134

Knute Rockne     576385126129

Kubale, Ed     343536414344485051525564658485869397100104105109110, 113, 114115116117118120122124127128131132133

Kunhardt, Philip     444950

Ky. Wesleyan     2

Kyle Field     79


L&N     2183035404348505153545758596378101102103105107109114117118121123125127131

la Louisiane Restaurant     60

Ladd, Alexander     4451

Lafayette     9166383125129130

Lafayette Hotel     125

Laidley Field     6

Lake Russell     122

Lambert, F.A.     114

Lambeth Stadium     5

Leavitt and Peirce Tobacco and Specialty Shop     62

Leavitt and Peirce's     87

Lemon, Hennie     35, 36, 41, 56, 65, 84, 85, 86, 93, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132 

Lenox Hotel     5286

Letter winners for 1921     64131

letter winners in 1924     3031536467118131

Lexington "Leader"     13

Lexington "Minute Man" Six automobile     64

Lexington “Herald”     613

Lexington High     2

Lexington Model School     27

Lexington Motor Company     64

Lexington Rotarians     106

Lexington Southern Station     17

Lieutenants     115123124131

Liggett, J.M.     14

Lions, Nittany     394451

Lipps, Rufus     25

Lipscomb, Harry "Shanks"     2431

Lipscomb, Shanks     2530

Litsey, Edwin Carlisle     57

Littick, Orville B.     2

Lockwood, Benont     50

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth     18

Los Angeles Evening Herald     68

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum     69

Los Angeles Southern Pacific Terminal     68

Louisville Alumni Club     2864

Louisville Boys High     2

Louisville Evening Post     94054

Louisville High Boys School     2

Louisville Male High     3549

Louisville Manuel High     29

Louisville Post     954114

Louisville Retail Merchants Association     59

Louisville Times     12405459

Lowndes, Mrs. Richard T.     7

Lusk, J.B.     42

Lynch, Howard     84858687939597105109110118120122124127128129131132

Lyons, W.L.     4151


M.I.T.     19, 51, 52

MacCollum, Max     9

Mack, Gene     20, 32, 43, 54

Macomber, Clark     44, 49, 51

Macon College     119

Madison, Richmond     114

Mahan, Eddie     10, 12, 15, 34, 35, 38, 41, 43, 44, 51, 52, 78, 82, 86

Manhattan Bridge     123

Mannini, Louis     41, 50, 51

Mansfield, Massachusetts     86, 87, 92

Marie's wedding party     78

Marist College     24

Maryville     2, 3, 4, 6, 27, 104, 114, 126, 131, 134

Mason, Harrison D. "Joe"     39

Massachusetts Hall     45

Massachusetts Institute of Technology     47

Mathias, Bob     2, 14, 132

Maxwell, Robert J. "Tiny"     47

Maxwell, Tiny     21, 22, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 84, 128

Mayo's Island     86

McCurry, Ann     59

McDonald, Jack     24

McDonnell, Thad     2, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 30, 31, 78, 106

McDowell, Elliott     113

McGee, Johnny     37, 38, 41, 43, 45, 58, 63, 64, 67, 73, 78, 84

McHenry, Mr. Lemuel     40

McLean Stadium at Stoll Field     110

McMeekin, Sam     40

McMillin, Alvin Nugent "Bo"     Intro, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 86, 96, 97, 101, 104, 105, 106, 109, 111, 114, 115, 117, 120, 122, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133

McMillin, Pearl     78

McMillin, Reuben     2, 14

McNutt, Rodney Piffiick     122

Memphis     24, 105, 115, 116, 119, 120, 129, 134, 135

Memphis Chamber of Commerce     115

Memphis State     115

Mercer, Thomas     42

Messenger, Danville     6, 7, 13, 16, 24, 29, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 63, 64, 67

Metzger, Sol     104

Michigan State     131

Middlebury     35, 37, 87, 105

Middlesboro, Ky.   132  

Middletown, Ohio     41, 42, 48

Midway     99, 112

Miers, Maude Marie     63

Millard, George     115

Milledgeville     112

Miller, Tom     79

Milligan College     131

Milton Academy     35, 91

Minton, Roscoe "Cow"     8

Miyihara, Ty   121

Mohardt, Johnny     63

Monroe, Ashel “Bum” Day     11, 128

Montgomery, Dr. R. Ames     107, 131

Montgomery, Sully     2, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 76, 119, 132

Moore, Frederick     22

Moore, Major Fred W.     40

Moore, McBrayer     106

Moran, Tom     2, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, 30, 36, 39, 78, 84, 85, 109, 110, 112, 114, 120, 122

Moran, Charles Barthell "Uncle Charlie"     Intro, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 135

Moulton, Edward "Slick"     102

Mountain Goat route     115

Mountaineers     3, 5, 6, 122, 123

Mour, Mona     52

Mrs. Henry Meier     100

Muller, Harold "Brick"     63

Murphy, Fred J.     125

Murphy, Joe "Chick"     6, 910132126303435363739425961647376828499102105, 114, 132

Murphy's Hotel     86

Myers and Trimble     2, 12, 34

Myers, Robert. L "Bob"     121128

mythical Southern Championship     111


Nasser brothers     8

National Collegiate Athletic Association     11

National Historic Landmark     130

NCAA     8, 11, 29, 122, 135

NEA Wireservice     54

Nelson, Tom     128

New Orleans     24, 38, 57, 60, 61, 63, 66, 73, 79, 80, 104, 113, 115, 116, 119, 129, 134

New Orleans "Times-Picayune"     60

New Orleans Union Station     60

new stadium- now!     106

New York "Evening World"     20, 54

New York "Sun"     18, 22, 24, 30, 31, 40, 42, 46, 53, 54, 57, 67, 87, 98, 106, 113, 122, 123

New York "Tribune"     30, 41, 51, 54, 105

New York Central     15, 17, 22, 32, 42, 53, 61, 87, 98, 123

New York City     15, 40, 42, 89, 93, 113, 121, 123

New York Giants     123

New York Newsboy's Band     47, 49

New York Tribute     7, 22, 51, 105, 106, 123

New York Yankees     24, 89, 123

Newman, Zip     116, 128

Newton High School     91

Newtonville, Massachusetts     106

Niagara Falls     22, 53, 67, 98

Nichols, Luther C.     69

Nob Hill     67

North Carolina State     28, 37, 39, 86, 101, 117

North Side High School     Intro, 2, 8, 31

Northwestern     4, 9, 58, 83, 121, 125, 131

Noseguards     36


O'Conner, Daniel G.     15

Oakland "Tribune"     54

October 28, 1961     133

Ofstie, Harold     121131

Ogden, Ut. "Standard-Examiner"     54

Oglethorpe     24, 38, 105109112115118131134135

Oglethorpe, James Edward     112

Ohio State     471140616378114123

Old College     9118121

Oliphant, Elmer     95

Omicron Delta Kappa     52129

one more reunion     133

Optimist Club of Birmingham     102

Orpheum Theater     67

Overland Limited     67

Owen, George     20394464919597105

Owensboro, Kentucky     4150104

Owensboro National Bank    132


Pacific Coast Conference     63

Paducah, Kentucky     Intro84

Paine, Ralph D.     334346

Palmer Stadium     Intro363586113

Panama-California Exposition     63

Panther Park     231

Parkway Field     117

Pasadena     31636768707286105

Peachtree Road     112

Peck, Bob     128

Pelican Park     60

Pendennis Club     959

Pendergast, Tom     64

Penn Quakers     113

Penn State     111635373940414446474951549091105113123129131

Penn-Princeton rivalry     113

Pennsylvania Quakers     113

Pennsylvania's Broad Street Station     113

Perry, Lawrence     64128

Pershing, John J.     106

Petrel, Stormy     112

Pfaffman, K.S.     3738

Pfefferkorn, Mourney     73

Philadelphia "Inquirer"     54

Philadelphia "Public Ledger"     4754

Phillips, Dr. David     87

Phoenix     167071114

Piers, Al     40

Pigeon, Phil     114

Piggly Wiggly     2456

Pitts, Frank     113

Pittsburgh "Gazette Times"     54

Plymouth Rock     4593

Polo Grounds     Intro305763123

Pomfret School     91

Pope, Carl P.     100

Porter, Albert Eugene     67115

Porter, Dr. A. E.     115

Powell, Walter B.     67

President Calvin Coolidge     131

President Montgomery     115120

President Theodore Roosevelt     11

Press Day 1922     84

Price Innes McLean     110125

Priest, James     126

Priest, Jim "Judas"     125

Priest. Jim     84125127131132

Princeton Tigers     6, 113

Princeton     Intro234567811121315161718222830353739404142434447484950525354575859868789909297105113119123128129130131

Promontory Summit     67

Publishers Autocaster Service     30

Pullman     513151722243236374042435253586066676875768084858790929598102113114115116123126127


Queen City-Crescent City     116

Quigley, Ernest C.     95


Rabenstein     116118122125126127128131132

Rabenstein, Elmer     118122126127128131132

Rabenstein, Elmer "Roughy"     116

Radio broadcasts     8894

Raftery, W.C.     59

Rainey, Dr.     34658487

Rainey, Dr. Frank     126584

Rainey, Dr. Fred     65

Randall, J.V.     42

Rathskeller at the Seelbach     117

Red Deer Tilson     28

Red Roberts- King of the Carnival     84

Red Roberts' donkey     59

Redland Field     388789

Reid, Frank     106

Reid, William T. "Bill"     23

Reynolds, Howard     101213151617192122303438404246515253546178868789909294959698102105

Reynolds, Howard G.     10

Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Howard     53

Richards, Reverend James     53

Richardson, E. O.     35

Richardson, Vernon     40

Richardson, W.V.     17

Richmond "News Leader"     2886

Richmond Times-Dispatch     5

Richmond, Kentucky     84114

Richmond, Virginia     86119120121

Rickwood Field     58102103116127128


Rittenhouse Square     113

Robb, Stanley     13142025283031323435

Roberts, James Madison “Red”     11

Roberts, L.W.     56

Roberts, Red     Intro2456789101113141517182021222425262728303132343536373839414243444748495051525355565859606164677073767879808485868790929394959698100101104105107108109114115117118120121122123124125126128129131132133

Robertson brothers     84

Robertson, Frank Gault     84

Robertson, Howard     538493107128129

Robertson, Jim     112

Robertson, Mary Eyre Wintersmith     42

Robertson, Red     1335414258598487929394101107121122123125128132

Robertson, Robert W. "Red", M.D.     48

Robertson, Robert Wintersmith     Intro4884107

Robertson, Robert Wintersmith "Rob", Jr.     121, 131

Robertson, Robert Wintersmith III     107

Robertson, W. H.     92

Robertson, William Howard     84107

Robertson, William Howard, Jr.     84

Rockwell Air Depot     71

Rodgers     56710123

Rodgers, Ira Errett “Rodg”     6

Rodgers, Will     123

Roper, Bill     65286

Rose Bowl     Intro18223135636768727880838486103105113116118121123127128130

Rose Day     128

Roscoe see... Conklin, Roscoe Breckinridge

Rosenthal, Boles     73

Roth, A.E.     67

Rouillard, Frank     4448

Roush, John     135

Rowland, Jack     3584122

Royal Blue Lines Coach Company     40

Royal Gorge route     67

Rubarth, Frank     505176859397100110115125126127128131

Ruby, Earl     132

Runyon, Damon     1830106

Russell, John     57

Russwood Park     115


S.I.A.A.     13263237406482858687105116118

San Diego "Kentucky Society"     6769717374

San Diego "Tribune"     68

San Diego Chamber of Commerce     69

San Diego Country Club     69

San Diego Naval Base     69

San Francisco     475866676872747681104123

San Francisco "Call and Post"     58676872

San Francisco "Chronicle"     67

Sanders, Sammy     79

Sanford Field     118

Sanford Memorial     64

Schepps Bakery vs. All-Star game     76

Schwan, Walter     128

Scott, Xen C.     103

Second Presbyterian     52

Seelbach Hotel     92859117, 126

Seelbach, Louis   126

Seelbach, William   126

Seeley, Webster     118

Seven Immortals     124125127128131

Seventh Street Station     5967

Severin Hotel     25

Sewanee     27275156100104105109115116118119125126127131133134135

Shadoan, Bill     Intro34353641434849505152596465687184858687939697100105109114117122128133

Sheers, Lizzie     53

Sherling, Ed     116

Shields-Watkins Field     126

Shirey, John     102116

Shop-Perfect     2333385162

Short, Haskell     55

Shreveport "Times”     128

Shreveport, Louisiana     81

Skidmore, Walter     110127132

Slocum, R.C.     75

Slonaker     7073

Slonaker, Alter Louis     73

Smith, Major Earl     8119

Snell, George     39

Snowday, Terry     67912131420212425303134353638414344484950515859606467737984858693959798100104105106109114117124132133

Somerset High School     235

South Carolina     Intro243638848598100102103104105111117118119128131134

South Station     1318223243

Southern Association     60119120121127131

Southern Association of Colleges     119120121131

Southern Athletic Conference     115135

Southern Cal     63105

Southern Championship     Intro102111114118120128

Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association     4065108

Southern Pacific "Lark"     6768

Southern Railroad     1, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22, 24, 27, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 50, 53, 56, 66, 67, 87, 100, 102, 104, 107, 114, 115, 123, 133

Southern's Cincinnati-Atlanta Express     118

Southwick, Graham     115

Spalding, A.G.     4247109

Spalding’s Official “Foot Ball Guide”     2

Spendthrift Farm     41

Spoonamore’s Drug Store     7

Spreckels, John D.     71

Springfield, Massachusetts     92

Spurlock, Albert     110111113114115118

St. Louis Globe-Democrat     7

St. Louis Union Station     67

St. Xavier     4343858597379134

Stagg, Joe     106

Standish Bradford     51

Stanford Stadium     118

Stanford, Leland     67

Stats for the game 1922 Centre-Kentucky     100

Statue of Liberty     123

Steamer trunk     67

Stewart, E.J. "Doc"     36

Stoll Field     22736100110125

Stoll, Richard C.     125

Stoughton Hall     45

Stout, John     118

Stout's movie theater     41

Stull, O.M.     28

Sullivan, Louis     60

sulphur-crested cockatoo     100

Summers, Murrell     118

Swanson, Gloria     68

Swarthmore College     113

Swinebroad, George     1619202123364149536784133

Swope, King     15

Syracuse "Herald"     549497

Syracuse "Journal"     54122

Syracuse Orange     122


Taggert, E.C.     4751

Tangerine Bowl     131

Tanner, Hump     1315161724252627293031353637414348505153585964676869737980848586101104105109132133

Tate Field     86

Tate, Bracken     64132

TCU     Intro3931346378115122

TCU Horned Toads     63

Team captains     4779132


telegram to Captain Kubale     115

Tennessee     Intro34562428353637678185102104105109114115116118

Terry, Pentriss M.     54

Tilson, Tex     28

Texas A&M     Intro2313960636670717475767778798081828384879099103115119120129134

Texas and Pacific train     76

Texas Christian University     Intro2831

Texas State Fairgrounds     78

Thayer Hall     45

the 1950 reunion     132

The Augusta "Herald"     54

The Diego "Union"     73

the Katy     81

The Kentucky Society of San Diego banquet     6869707173

The Lyric Theater     115

The M.I.T "Tech"     54

The Old Yard     45

The Reverse     643

The Somerset Idea     2

The Tavern     86

Thomas, Ed     4

Thomas, Edwin     16

Thomas, Joshua Howard, M.D.     107

Thomas, Samuel Beale     13107

Thomasson, Case     35, 36, 38, 41, 59, 64, 65, 79, 84, 97, 101, 105, 109, 110, 111, 114, 117, 118, 120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132 

Thompson, Bobby     123

Thompson, Jewell F.     115

Thornhill, Claude     52

Thornhill, Claude "Tiny"     15344152

Thorp, Jim   2, 11, 116

Tiggert, H. G.     95

Tijuana     7172

Tijuana Jockey Club     71

Top Ranked Team From 1919-1924     129

Touchbacks     51

tradition!     133

Transylvania     Intro23413152432343940648499103104121122126128131134

Trenton, New Jersey     113

Trevor, George     46

Trinity Episcopal     52

trip to the West     35586164666980

Tucker, Bob    2 

Tucson     667071737581104

Tufts     5088130

Tulane     Intro5760616679102113116118119126129134

Tulane "Green Wave"     60

Tulane Stadium     60

Turbyville, Fred     7

Turquand, W.A.     69

Tuttle, Arthur     42

Tutwiler Hotel     58116127

Tutwiler reception     58


Uga     116118

Uncle Charlie     see Moran, Charles Barthell "Uncle Charlie"

United Press     3564106

University Club     6982

University Club in Houston     82

University of Alabama     28103119126127

University of Arizona     Intro6366707173

University of California Memorial Stadium     69

University of Dallas     6377

University of Kentucky     4917273239568495104107110113114119120

University of Kentucky alumni of Philadelphia     113

University of Louisville     93299109117

University of Maryland     116

University of Mississippi     3185115

University of Pennsylvania     4958113

University of Tennessee     328125126

University of the South     115135

University of Virginia     345

Upton, Mr. and Mrs. Clel     56


Valentino, Rudolph     68

Valparaiso     Intro1625109114117121122123128131134

Van Antwerp, Howard     2361013

Vanderbilt     7101424273235385683103105109114115116118119128129131

Very Reverend Robert N. Nolan     78

Virginia Polytechnic Institute     28

Virginia Tech     Intro1324252837395984858687102111117118129131

Voisinet, Jerry     133

VPI     2834373842648687129134


Waddle, R.B.     53

Wade, Wallace     103127

Wagenhurst, E.O.     113

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel     43123

Wallace Building     78

Wallace, Bob     126131

Wallace, Robert     118125129131

Walsh, David     97

Walsh, David J.     89

Washington "Post"     754

Washington & Lee     6122832375985100101105109114115117118119123125131

Washington and Jefferson     246367708083104113117119123131

Washington Park     25

Washington Post     7111224315459636770788384100101105113114115116118128131135

Washington, Pa.     63

Waterloo, Iowa     115

Watterson Hotel     59117

Watterson, Henry     69

Waynesburg College     120

Weatherford, E.J.     85

Weatherford, William     5682

Weaver, James Redwich “Red”     11

Weaver, Red     Intro246791011141516171820212224252627282930313435363739434452616478104114119122124129131132

Webb, Melville     40

Weihers, Charles     128

Weisinger, M.G.     25

Welsh and Wiseman     13

Welsh, George     13

Wessling, Harry     114

West Tennessee Normal College     115

West Virginia Trade School     39

West Virginia University     34

Western Union     161742478692

WHAS     88

Whitnell, Ed     119

Whitnell, Lefty     7913151820212425272830416497125132

Whitney, Casper     11

Widener Library     1845

Williams College     15

Williams, Arthur     23

Williams, Carl     113

Williams, Charles Sneed     64

Willis, Brown Young, Jr.     113115

Willis, Brown Young, Sr.     115

Wilson, J.V. "Pinky"     79

Wilson, Puny     79

Wilson, Reginald "Mutt"     125127128

Wilson, Woodrow     22

Winchester, Kentucky     17104

Winn, Jack     114

Wintersmith, Aunt Mary Robertson     13

Wintersmith, Theodore     13101

WIR     88

Wiseman, Guy     13

Wood, Sam     68

Woodcock, G.B.     106

Woodruff, George     113118128

Woody, Lieutenant Albert M.     100

Woolworth Building     123

Wortham, Eben     115

Wright and Ditson's     87


Yale     Intro, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 28, 30, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 57, 58, 59, 83, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 102, 104, 105, 113, 114, 116, 118, 125, 128, 129, 130, 132

Yerkes, S.L.     58, 127

Yuma, Arizona     75


Zev     64

Ziegfeld Follies     404352123131

1, 2, 3,

"12th Man" tradition     79

$20.00 gold pieces     87102107

1920 Letter winners     30

1921 All American Team     64

1921 best team?     126

1922 baseball team     28848691114123

1922 Centre "Praying Colonels"     291319242530404344515354606871757682848692105106107112127128129130131

1922 Centre College Colonels' captain, James "Red" Roberts     64

1922 letter winners     64131

1922 ROSTER     84

1923 Centre team     109

1923 letter winners     303164118131

1924 Centre College Carnival     121

1925 Colonels     131

20th Century Limited     42